Healthy food also include the sweet pleasures, this is why a healthy lifestyle is fun it drives you to search for products containing the least amount of refined ingredients (or none if possible) and if not available, get you motivated to adapt recipes according to your needs.

chocolate muffins gluten-free

At Healthy Super Mommies we know how much you love chocolate, it is a pleasure must of us don’t want to give up, that’s why we propose this delicious and nutritious recipe made with cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is a great alternative you can use for your treats.

Chocolate powder contains more fibre and nutrients compared to cocoa or chocolate bars, it is obtained directly from the seed, i.e. it’s raw and has not been processed. Furthermore, chocolate powder is natural source of vitamins, minerals (such as magnesium), carbohydrates, protein and monounsaturated fat (cocoa butter).

Beside all these nutrients, the primary component of chocolate powder is flavonoids. The flavonoids are antioxidants the body can not produce hence must be obtained through food. However, not all alike cocoa products brings the same benefits as the ideal is to consume products containing at least 70% cocoa.

Cupcake de cacao sin gluten
Print Recipe
Delicioso muffin de chocolate, ideal para un dulce antojo.
Servings Prep Time
8 cupcakes 10 minutos
Cook Time
15-20 minutos
Servings Prep Time
8 cupcakes 10 minutos
Cook Time
15-20 minutos
Cupcake de cacao sin gluten
Print Recipe
Delicioso muffin de chocolate, ideal para un dulce antojo.
Servings Prep Time
8 cupcakes 10 minutos
Cook Time
15-20 minutos
Servings Prep Time
8 cupcakes 10 minutos
Cook Time
15-20 minutos
  1. Pre- calentar el horno a 180ºC.
  2. En un bowl mezclar los líquidos: huevos, azúcar, vainilla, aceite y leche.
  3. En otro bowl mezclar los ingredientes secos: cacao en polvo, harina de coco, polvo de hornear, chips de chocolate y la mitad del chocolate negro troceado.
  4. Unir los ingredientes líquidos con los secos, mezclar hasta que estén bien combinados.
  5. Con la ayuda de una cuchara, verter la mezcla en moldes de silicone.
  6. Colocar encima de cada cupcake trozos del chocolate negro restante.
  7. Hornear de 15-20 minutos o hasta que el palillo salga limpio***.
  8. Dejar enfriar y disfrutar.
Recipe Notes

*Puedes utilizar el endulzante natural de tu preferencia, pero recuerda ajustar las cantidades del mismo, en caso de ser necesario.

**En caso de no tener polvo de hornear sin gluten puedes prepararlo mezclando: 2 partes de cremor tartaro, 1 parte de bicarbonato de soda, 1 parte de maizena.

***Es importante no abrir el horno durante el proceso. Pasados 10-12 minutos puedes hacer la prueba del palillo. El tiempo de cocción va a depender del horno y su capacidad.


If you love chocolate, we encourage you to use those products with 70% or more cocoa instead of popular chocolate milk as they contain more fat, sugar and less flavonoids. And remember, everything in moderation is healthy.

To find out more about chocolate and cocoa powder, please visit:

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